Fuel Up

If you’re like me, you probably have allowed your vehicle to run out of gas a few times.
Thankfully when I have run out of gas it was pretty near a gas station. It’s embarrassing to have to walk into the gas station, buy a gas can, go to the gas pump, fill the gas can up with gas. Walk down the street with the gas can, everybody driving by looking at you like you’re an idiot because you ran out of gas. It’s like “OH, IS THAT WHAT THAT LITTLE GAS PUMP ON THE DASH BOARD MEANT WHEN IT LIT UP?”
How much more embarrassing is it when a Christian isn’t fueled up. How much like a car that ran out of gas is a Christian that ran out of spiritual power because he or she did not stop at the fuel tank of prayer. We think we seem to be getting along OK in life without prayer, but everything is done in the power of the flesh and not in the power of the Holy Spirit, and I tell you that nothing that is worthy of the kingdom is ever done in the power of the flesh.
You may think this is too basic of a subject, and yet do you really think that your life and your church is as powerful as it could or should be? I tell you, if we are not “prayed up”, our family life, our work life, and our church will be as ineffective as a car without fuel.
In Matthew 6:5 Jesus says, “When you pray….” It was assumed that anybody that knew Him would pray. Those who did not pray would not have any spiritual power to get anywhere in life. So, if we want to keep the engine of your spiritual life running, we need to fuel up in prayer.

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