God Made Them

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27 ESV)
This past week, a video was leaked that showed Disney executive Latoya Raveneau admit that her team has implemented a not-so-secret gay agenda and is regularly adding queerness to children’s programming. This is just the latest step amongst liberals in promoting a perverse and damaging (as well as damning) view of sexuality. Coupled with the controversies of transgender athletes in women’s sports, gender and sexuality is under a grievous attack.
The Bible leaves no room for debate or equivocation on this issue. God created people certain genders, always intended them to be those genders, and created marriage to be between male and female. Full stop. No grey areas. That is Scriptural. 
Although this biblical view is interspersed throughout Scripture, both in the Old and New Testaments, it begins here in Genesis 1:27. John Piper notes that this verse tells us three things:
(1) God created humanity
(2) God created humanity in God’s image
(3) God created humanity male and female
What this tells us is that since God created humanity, He alone sets the boundaries about what it means to be human. And since humanity is created in His image, they are endowed with special blessings, privileges, and responsibilities. Although in sin the image was marred, Jesus Christ restores that image to it’s intended purpose. And God purposed that humans be male and female and that in this marriage relationship they procreate. Being in the image of God is reflected in both genders, and God specifically created you to image Him in the gender that He made you.
To go against any of these truths is to shake your fist at God, be in rebellion against God, and to bring misery upon yourself both now and for eternity. While the world may try to pressure us to conform to their views of gender and sexuality, this is not an area of compromise (of course, there is no part of Scripture that we should compromise, but this is a definitely an area of pressure in our day and age). In love we must stand for truth, and for those that have fallen into the lie we share the gospel of peace and hope and wholeness in Jesus Christ. Stand tall. Remain faithful. Share the Gospel.

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